„Kiedy uważasz że jesteś dla innych ciężarem. Jak radzić sobie z poczuciem winy”

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Amazonki.net (offline)

Post #1

07-06-2021 - 17:22:42


Podczas wielu rozmów z pacjentkami słyszę słowa: "nie chcę obciążać moją chorobą innych", "dzieci mi bardzo pomagają, ale przecież mają swoje życie", "denerwuje mnie, że inni muszą się mną opiekować".

czytaj więcej

Tychr (offline)

Post #2

22-07-2022 - 13:12:31


At Tychr, we focus on enhancing creative and intellectual faculties of students, equipping them with desired cutting edge competencies to excel in the ever dynamic 21st century and ultimately serving the global student community.

Visit website: https://tychr.com/

dziubas (offline)

Post #3

22-07-2022 - 14:43:03



rak przewodowy, G1, wym. 0,8x0,6x0,9 cm, ER 95%, PgR 10%, Her2-neg, Ki67 1%, w wartowniku mikroprzerzut, pT1bN1(sn)Mx, operacja oszczędzająca z biopsja wartownika, radioterapia 25x, brachyterpia, hormonoterapia-tamoxiffen do 10lat
po 8,5 roku rak endometrium, operacja unowoczesniona z resekcja macicy, przydatków, węzłów biodrowych i brzusznych i wyrostka robaczkowego, rak pierwotny, rokowania dobre, stan zaraz po operacji i póżniej - bardzo dobry, oblgatoryjnie naświetlania - wybrałam narazie tylko brachyterapię, na kikut macicy, do tamoxiffenu juz nie wróciłam

sabellaamelia (offline)

Post #4

03-08-2022 - 11:15:32


Cenforce 150 is a composition of 150 mg of sildenafil citrate which is used to treat the most stressful and growing condition in men which is Erectile dysfunction.

Sildenafil citrate is the component that is used in most of the pills which are used to treat erectile disorders.

If you happen to be one of the millions of men all across the globe who find themselves facing Erectile dysfunction symptoms, then it is very likely that you too must be hunting for a solution to get yourself out of this appalling situation – and start enjoying healthy sex life. And now you can, as the solution to male impotency is available to you right here!

This tablet helps increase the blood flow to your penis and the result is that you get an erection that is very hard – letting you engage in sexual activity for a long time.

Perform well in sexual intercourse.
Last your penis erection for a longer duration than your usual time.
Relief from unsatisfied sex life.
Medical uses of this medicine
This drug is used in the treatment of the following medical conditions:

Penis erection is the flow of blood into the penis during arousal. If the penis receives a good supply of blood the penis would become rock-like hard and erect or else no matter how much you are excited the penis remains loose. Disruption of the blood flow towards the penis may happen due to n number of reasons. It could be smoking, drinking, drug abuse, injuries, or side effects of a medicine.

To solve this problem Sildenafil Citrate, which is the main component of Cenforce 150 mg relaxes the muscles in the penile region. The blood vessels of the penis are expanded to store a large quantity of blood. Overall a situation is created where it is ensured that blood will find no hindrance on its way to the penis.
Aside from essential oils, there are a variety of additional ED alternative treatments available. Some of the best medicines available for the treatment of ED are Aurogra 100 mg, cenforce 100 mg, Vidalista 60 mg, Prejac, fildena 100 purple pill, buy cenforce 200, buy cenforce 150, vidalista 40 mg, malegra 200
Tadarise 20 mg, Cenforce professional, Cenforce 25, buy fildena 150, Cenforce, Buy Vidalista 60 Consult a doctor for the best treatment options, as ED can be a sign of other illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, or prostate difficulties.

xiouken (online)

Post #6

09-11-2024 - 20:39:54


Przykro nam, ale tylko zarejestrowane osoby mogą pisać na tym forum.

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